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3.3. Tectonics of Rifting and Drifting: Pangea Breakup

3.3.1. Rift Basin Architecture and Evolution

Roy W. Schlische & Martha Oliver Withjack
Department of Geological Sciences, Rutgers University, Piscataway,NJ 08854-8066 U.S.A.

Rift basins have been increasingly the focus of researchin tectonics, structural geology, and basin analysis. The reasons for thisinterest include: (1) Rift basins are found on all passive (Atlantic-type)continental margins and provide a record of the early stages of (super)continentalbreakup. (2) The architecture of these basins and the basin fill are stronglyinfluenced by the displacement geometry on the bounding normal fault systems(e.g., Gibson et al., 1989). Thus, aspects of the evolution of these faultsystems, including their nucleation, propagation and linkage, can be extractedfrom the sedimentary record. (3) Many modern and ancient extensional basinscontain lacustrine deposits (e.g., Katz, 1990) that are sensitive recordersof climate. Milankovitch cycles (e.g., Olsen and Kent, 1999) recorded inthese strata provide a quantitative test of the predictions of basin-fillingmodels (e.g., Schlische and Olsen, 1990) that can, in turn, be used toinfer aspects of crustal rheology during rifting (e.g., Contreras et al.,1997). (4) Many of the major petroleum provinces of the world are associatedwith rift basins (e.g., the North Sea basins, the Jeanne d'Arc basin, theBrazilian rift basins).

This section provides a brief overview of the rift basinsrelated to Pangean breakup, especially those along the central Atlanticmargin (e.g., Olsen, 1997). In particular, we examine (1) the structuralarchitecture of rift basins; (2) the interplay of tectonics, sediment supply,and climate in controlling the large-scale stratigraphy of rift basins;(3) how the sedimentary fill can be subdivided into tectonostratigraphicpackages that record continental rifting, initiation of seafloor spreading,basin inversion, and drifting; and (4) how coring can be used to answerfundamental questions related to these topics.

Structural Architecture
A typical rift basin is a fault-bounded feature knownas a half graben (Fig. In a cross section oriented perpendicularto the boundary fault (transverse section), the half graben has a triangulargeometry (Fig. The three sides of the triangle are the borderfault, the rift-onset unconformity between prerift and synrift rocks, andthe postrift unconformity between synrift and postrift rocks (or, for modernrifts, the present-day depositional surface). Within the triangular wedgeof synrift units, stratal boundaries rotate from being subparallel to therift-onset unconformity to being subparallel to the postrift unconformity.This fanning geometry, along with thickening of synrift units toward theboundary fault, are produced by syndepositional faulting. Core from theNewark basin confirms the thickening relationships (see Section 3.3.2).Synrift strata commonly onlap prerift rocks. In a cross section orientedparallel to the boundary fault (longitudinal section), the basin has asynclinal geometry (Fig., although more complicated geometriesare associated with segmented boundary fault systems (e.g., Schlische,1993; Schlische and Anders, 1996; Morley, 1999).
Figure Geometry of a simple half graben. (a) Map-viewgeometry. (b) Geometry along a cross section oriented perpendicular tothe boundary fault, showing wedge-shaped basin in which synrift strataexhibit a fanning geometry, thicken toward the boundary fault, and onlapprerift rocks. (c) Geometry along a cross section oriented parallel tothe boundary fault, showing syncline-shaped basin in which synrift stratathin away from the center of the basin and onlap prerift rocks.
The half-graben geometry described above is directly controlledby the deformation (displacement) field surrounding the boundary faultsystem (Gibson et al., 1989; Schlische, 1991, 1995; Schlische and Anders,1996; Contreras et al. 1997). In a gross sense, displacement is greatestat the center of the fault and decreases to zero at the fault tips (Fig.; this produces the syncline-shaped basin in longitudinal section.In traverse section, the displacement of an initially horizontal surfacethat intersects the fault is greatest at the fault itself and decreaseswith distance away from the fault. This produces footwall uplift and hanging-wallsubsidence, the latter of which creates the sedimentary basin (Fig., this geometry is affected by fault propagation and forced folding(e.g., Withjack et al., 1990; Gawthorpe et al., 1997). As displacementaccumulates on the boundary fault, the basin deepens through time. Becausethe width of the hanging-wall deflection increases with increasing faultdisplacement (Barnett et al., 1987), the basin widens through time. Becausethe length of the fault increases with increasing displacement (e.g., Cowie,1998), the basin lengthens through time. The growth of the basin throughtime produces progressive onlap of synrift strata on prerift rocks (Fig.
Figure Fault-displacement geometry controls the first-ordergeometry of a half graben. (a) Perspective diagram before (left) and afterfaulting showing how normal faulting uplifts the footwall block and producessubsidence in the hanging-wall block. The yellow dashed line shows theouter limit of hanging-wall subsidence and marks the edge of the basin.Displacement is a maximum at the center of the fault (only the righthalf of the fault is shown) and decreases toward the fault tip. (b) Traversesection before faulting (left) and after faulting and sedimentation showingfootwall uplift and hanging-wall subsidence. The latter produces a wedge-shapedbasin (half graben).
Figure Simple filling model for a growing half-grabenbasin shown in map view (stages 1-4), longitudinal cross section (stages1-5), and transverse cross section (stages 1-4). Dashed line representslake level. The relationship between capacity and sediment supply determineswhether sedimentation is fluvial or lacustrine. For lacustrine sedimentation,the relationship between water volume and excess capacity determines thelake depth. Modified from Schlische and Anders (1996).
The simple structural architecture described above maybe complicated by basin inversion, in which a contractional phase followsthe extensional phase (e.g., Buchanan and Buchanan, 1995). Typical inversionstructures include normal faults reactivated as reverse faults, newly formedreverse and thrust faults, and folds (Fig., Basin inversionoccurs in a variety of tectonic environments (e.g., Buchanan and Buchanan,1995), including several passive margins related to the breakup of Pangea(e.g., Doré and Lundin, 1996; Vagnes et al., 1998; Withjack et al.,1995, 1998; Hill et al., 1995; Withjack & Eisenstadt, 1999). The causesof inversion on these passive margins is not well understood. Section 4.2.1describes how coring, in combination with other methods, may help furtherour understanding of basin inversion on passive margins.
Figure Examples of positive inversion structures.a) Cross section across part of Sunda arc. During inversion, normalfaults became reverse faults, producing synclines and anticlines with harpoongeometries (after Letouzey, 1990). b) Interpreted line drawings (with3:1 and 1:1 vertical exaggeration) of AGSO Line 110-12 from Exmouth sub-basin,NW Shelf Australia (after Withjack & Eisenstadt, 1999). DuringMiocene inversion, deep-seated normal faults became reverse faults. In response, gentle monoclines formed in the shallow, postrift strata.

Figure Experimental models of inversion structures. Cross sections through three clay models showing development of inversionstructures (after Eisenstadt and Withjack, 1995). In each model,a clay layer (with colored sub-layers) covered two overlapping metal plates. Movement of the lower plate created extension or shortening. Thinclay layers are prerift; thick clay layers are synrift; top-most layeris postrift and pre-inversion. Top section shows model with extension andno shortening; a half graben containing very gently dipping synrift unitsis present. The middle section shows model with extension followed by minorshortening; a subtle anticline has formed in the half graben, and is associatedwith minor steepening of the dip of synrift layers. Bottom section showsmodel with extension followed by major shortening. The anticline in thehalf graben is more prominent, and is associated with significant steepeningof the dip of synrift strata. New reverse faults have formed in the preriftlayers. Although the inversion is obvious in this model, erosion of materialdown to the level of the red line would remove the most obvious evidenceof inversion in the half graben. Furthermore, the prominent reverse faultscutting the prerift units could be interpreted to indicate prerift contractionaldeformation, as is common in the rift zones related to the breakup of Pangea.

Stratigraphic Architecture

Numerous non-marine rift basins of varied geography andgeologic age share a remarkably similar stratigraphic architecture (Lambiase,1990; Schlische and Olsen, 1990; Fig. Known as a tripartite stratigraphy,the section begins with basin-wide fluvial deposits overlain by a relativelyabrupt deepening-upward lacustrine succession overlain by a gradual shallowing-upwardlacustrine and fluvial succession. The key to understanding the significanceof this tripartite stratigraphy rests in the relationships among basincapacity and sediment and water supply (Schlische and Olsen, 1990; Carrolland Bohacs, 1999). Tectonics creates accommodation space or basin capacity.Sediment supply determines how much of that basin capacity is filled andwhether or not lake systems are possible (Figure In general,fluvial deposition results when sediment supply exceeds capacity, and lacustrinedeposition results when capacity exceeds sediment supply.
Figure Stratigraphic architecture of Triassic-Jurassicrift basins of eastern North America. For tectonostratigraphic (TS) packageIII, nearly all basins exhibit all or part of a tripartite stratigraphy:1, basal fluvial deposits; 2, 'deeper-water' lacustrine deposits; 3, 'shallow-water'lacustrine and fluvial deposits. The southern basins do not contain TS-IV.TS-I is only recognized in the Fundy basin and may or may not be a synriftdeposit. Where TS-II is recognized, a significant unconformity (in termsof missing time) commonly separates it from TS-III. Modified from Olsen(1997), Olsen et al. (2000), and Schlische (2000).
Figure [BELOW] Relationships among basincapacity, sediment supply, and volume of water determine the large-scaledepositional environments of terrestrial rift basins. In example 1, basin-widefluvial sedimentation is predicted. In example 2, shallow-water lacustrinesedimentation is predicted. For the basin capacity and available sedimentsupply shown in this example, no very deep lakes are possible because theexcess capacity of the basin (and thus lake depth) is limited. Thus, underthese conditions, climate is a relatively unimportant control on lake depth.In example 3, deep-water lacustrine sedimentation is predicted.
The relationships shown in Figure allow us tointerpret the large-scale stratigraphic transitions observed in many non-marinerift basins. The fluvial-lacustrine transition may result from an increasein basin capacity and/or a decrease in sediment supply. The shallow-waterlacustrine to deep-water lacustrine transition may result from an increasein basin capacity, a decrease in sediment-supply, and/or increase in theavailable volume of water. The deep-water lacustrine to shallow-water lacustrinetransition may result from a decrease or an increase in basin capacity(depending on the geometry of the basin's excess capacity), an increasein the sediment supply, and/or decrease in the available volume of water.How do we go about choosing the more likely interpretation? Interestingly,all of the major stratigraphic transitions can be explained by an increasein basin capacity, for which a simple basin-filling model is shown in Figure3.3.1.3. Other basin filling models are described by Lambiase (1990), Smoot(1991), and Lambiase and Bosworth (1995). As discussed in Section 3.3.3,long cores from rift basins, combined with basin modeling (e.g., Contreraset al., 1997) and seismic reflection data (e.g., Morley, 1999), are requiredto test the predictions of these basin-filling models.
Figure Idealized rift basin showing unconformity-boundedtectonostratigraphic packages. Thin black lines represent stratal truncationbeneath unconformities; red half-arrows represent onlaps. In eastern NorthAmerica, TS-I may not be a synrift deposit, and thus the geometry shownhere would be incorrect. TS-II is much more areally restricted and morewedge-shaped than TS-III. The transition between TS-III and TS-IV is likelyrelated to an increase in extension rate. An offset coring technique (verticalorange lines), as used in the Newark basin coring project, does not sampleTS-I and most of TS-II. A deep core (vertical yellow line) is necessaryto recover TS-I and TS-II. Modified from Olsen (1997).

Tectonostratigraphic Packages and Basin Evolution

Olsen (1997) subdivided the synrift strata of centralAtlantic margin rift basins into four tectonostratigraphic (TS) packages(Fig., An individual TS package consists of all or partof a tripartite stratigraphic succession, is separated from other packagesby unconformities or correlative conformities, and generally has a differentclimatic milieu compared to other TS packages. TS-I is a Permian depositthat may or may not be synrift, whereas TS-II, TS-III, and TS-IV are LateTriassic and Early Jurassic synrift deposits (Olsen et al., 2000). The unconformities between TS-I, TS-II, and TS-III represent significantgeologic time. However, it is not yet clear if these unconformities arerelated to regional tectonic changes (e.g., pulsed extension) (Olsen, 1997)or to relatively local processes such as strain localization (a changefrom distributed extension on lots of small faults to extension on a fewlarge ones; e.g., Gupta et al., 1998) (Fig. Given their geometryand location in the rift basin, TS-I and TS-II can generally only be sampledthrough deep coring and not the relatively shallow offset coring utilizedin the Newark basin (Section 3.3.3). The rift-onset unconformity betweenprerift rocks and various synrift units should not be taken as evidenceof regional uplift preceding rifting; rather, it more likely reflects erosionand non-deposition occurring over a topographically elevated region resultingfrom the assembly of Pangea.
Figure Stages in the evolution of a rift basin. (a)Early rifting associated with several minor, relatively isolated normalfaults. (b) Mature rifting with through-going boundary fault zone, widespreaddeposition, and footwall uplift and erosion.

TS-III and TS-IV were deposited in much larger basinsor subbasins than was TS-II, and the unconformity between them is smallto non-existent (Olsen, 1997). TS-IV includes the widespread CAMP basaltsthat were erupted in a geologically short interval at ~202 Ma (e.g., Olsenet al., 1996; Olsen, 1999) (The CAMP basalts comprise a large-igneous provinceor L.I.P.; see Section 3.1.3). Significantly, TS-IV is absent in all ofthe southern basins of the central Atlantic margin. As discussed more fullyin Withjack et al. (1998), TS-IV was probably never deposited in this region,indicating that synrift subsidence had ceased prior to TS-IV time. [A postriftbasalt sequence, which may or may not be the same age as CAMP, is presentin the southern region and plausibly can be connected to a seaward-dippingreflector sequence at the continental margin (Oh et al., 1995). The temporaland spatial relationships of these igneous rocks is a critical coring target;see sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.] Also significantly, basin inversion in thesouthern basins occurred shortly prior to and during TS-IV time, whileinversion in the northern basins occurred after TS-IV time. (During TS-IVtime, the northern basins underwent accelerated subsidence; see Figure3.3.2.7). Thus, the end of rifting, the initation of inversion, and probablythe initiation of seafloor spreading are diachronous along the centralAtlantic margin (i.e., during earliest Jurassic time in the southeasternUnited States and Early to Middle Jurassic time in the northeastern UnitedStates and Maritime Canada) (Withjack et al., 1998). Coring, field analysis,and seismic-reflection profiles of synrift and immediately overlying postriftdeposits and the structures formed in them, are necessary to clarify theimportant events occurring at the rift-drift transition.

The inferred diachronous initiation of seafloor spreadingalong the present-day margin of the central North America Ocean is partof larger trend that reflects the progressive dismemberment of Pangea. As the North Atlantic Ocean continued to develop, seafloor spreading propagatednorthward. For example, seafloor spreading between the Grand Banksand southwestern Europe began during the Early Cretaceous (e.g., Srivastavaand Tapscott, 1986); seafloor spreading between Labrador and western Greenlandbegan during the early Tertiary (anomaly 27N) (e.g., Chalmers, et al.,1993); whereas seafloor spreading between eastern Greenland and northwesternEurope began slightly later during the early Tertiary (anomaly 24R) (e.g.,Talwani and Eldholm, 1977; Hinz et al., 1993).


Barnett, J. A. M., Mortimer, J., Rippon, J. H., Walsh, J. J., and Watterson,J., 1987, Displacement geometry in the volume containing a single normalfault: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 71, p.925-937.

Buchanan, J. G., and Buchanan, P. G., eds., 1995, Basin Inversion: GeologicalSociety of London Special Publication 88, 596 p.
Carroll, A.R., and Bohacs, K.M., 1999, Stratigraphic classificationof ancient lakes: Balancing tectonic and climatic controls: Geology, v.27, p. 99-102.

Chalmers, J. A., Pulvertaft, C. R., Christiansen, F. G., Laresen, H.C.,Laursen, K. H., and Ottesen, T. G., 1993, The southern West Greenlandcontinental margin: Rifting history, basin development, and petroleum potential,in Parker, J. R., ed., Petroleum Geology of Northwest Europe, Proceedingsof the 4th Conference: Geological Society of London, v. 2, p. 915-931.

Contreras, J., Scholz, C. H., King, G. C. P., 1997, A general modelof rift basin evolution: constraints of first order stratigraphic observations:Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 102, p. 7673-7690.

Cowie, P. A., 1998, Normal fault growth in three-dimensions in continentaland oceanic crust, in Faulting and Magmatism at Mid-Ocean Ridges: GeophysicalMonograph 106, American Geophysical Union, p. 325-348.

Dore, A. G., and Lundin, E. R., 1996, Cenozoic compressional structureson the NE Atlantic margin: nature, origin, and potential signficancefor hydrocarbon exploration: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 2, p. 299-311.

Eisenstadt, G., and Withjack, M. O., 1995, Estimating inversion: resultsfrom clay models, in Buchanan, J. G., and Buchanan, P. G., eds., 1995,Basin Inversion: Geological Society of London Special Publication 88, p.119-136.

Gawthorpe, R.L., Sharp, I., Underhill, J.R., and Gupta, S., 1997, Linkedsequence stratigraphic and structural evolution of propagating normal faults:Geology, v. 25, p. 795-798.

Gibson, J. R., Walsh, J. J., and Watterson, J., 1989, Modelling of bedcontours and cross-sections adjacent to planar normal faults: Journal ofStructural Geology, v. 11, p. 317-328.

Gupta, S., Cowie, P. A., Dawers, N. H., and Underhill, J. R., 1998,A mechanism to explain rift-basin subsidence and stratigraphic patternsthrough fault-array evolution: Geology, v. 26, p. 595-598.

Hill, K. C., Hill, K. A., Cooper, G. T., O'Sullivan, A. J., O'Sullivan,P. B., and Richardson, M. J., 1995, Inversion around the Bass basin, SEAustralia, in Buchanan, J.G., and Buchanan, P.G., eds., 1995, Basin Inversion:Geological Society of London Special Publication 88, p. 525-548.

Hinz, K., Eldholm, O., Block, M., and Skogseid, J., 1993, Evolutionof North Atlantic volcanic continental margins, in Parker, J. R., ed.,Petroleum Geology of Northwest Europe, Proceedings of the 4th Conference:Geological Society of London, v. 2, p. 901-913.

Katz, B. J., ed., 1990, Lacustrine basin exploration--case studies andmodern analogs: AAPG Memoir 50, 340 p.
Lambiase, J.J., 1990, A model for tectonic control of lacustrine stratigraphicsequences in continental rift basins, in Katz, B.J., ed., Lacustrine Exploration:Case Studies and Modern Analogues: AAPG Memoir 50, p. 265-276.

Lambiase, J. J., and Bosworth, W., 1995, Structural controls on sedimentationin continental rifts, in Lambiase, J.J., ed., Hydrocarbon habitat in riftbasins: Geological Society Special Publication 80, p. 117-144.

Morley, C. K., 1999, Patterns of displacement along large normal faults:Implications for basin evolution and fault propagation, based on examplesfrom East Africa: AAPG Bulletin, v. 83, p. 613-634.

Oh, J., Austin, J. A., Jr., Phillips, J. D., Coffin, M. F., and Stoffa,P. L., 1995, Seaward-dipping reflectors offshore the southeastern UnitedStates: Seismic evidence for extensive volcanism accompanying sequentialformation of the Carolina trough and Blake Plateau basin: Geology, v. 23,p. 9-12.

Olsen, P. E., Schlische, R. W., and Fedosh, M. S., 1996, 580 kyr durationof the Early Jurassic flood basalt event in eastern North America estimatedusing Milankovitch cyclostratigraphy, in Morales, M., ed., The ContinentalJurassic: Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin 60, p. 11-22.

Olsen, P. E., 1997, Stratigraphic record of the early Mesozoic breakupof Pangea in the Laurasia-Gondwana rift system: Annual Reviews of Earthand Planetary Science, v. 25, p. 337-401.

Olsen, P. E., and Kent, D. V., 1999, Long-period Milankovitch cyclesfrom the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic of eastern North America andtheir implications for the calibration of the early Mesozoic time scaleand the long-term behavior of the planets. Transactions, Royal Societyof London, Series A, v. 357, p. 1761-1786.

Olsen, P. E., 1999, Giant lava flows, mass extinctions, and mantle plumes[perspective on Marzoli, et al.]: Science, v. 284, p. 604 - 605.

Rosendahl, B. R., 1987, Architecture of continental rifts with specialreference to East Africa: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science,v. 15, p. 445-503.

Schlische, R. W., 1991, Half-graben filling models: New constraintson continental extensional basin development: Basin Research, v. 3, p.123-141.

Schlische, R. W., 1993, Anatomy and evolution of the Triassic-Jurassiccontinental rift system, eastern North America: Tectonics, v. 12, p. 1026-1042.

Schlische, R. W., 1995, Geometry and origin of fault-related folds inextensional settings: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin,v. 79, p. 1661-1678.

Schlische, R. W., 2000, Progress in understanding the structural geology,basin evolution, and tectonic history of the eastern North American riftsystem, in LeTourneau, P.M., and Olsen, P.E., eds., Aspects of Triassic-JurassicRift Basin Geoscience: New York, Columbia University Press, in press.

Schlische, R. W., and Anders, M. H., 1996, Stratigraphic effects andtectonic implications of the growth of normal faults and extensional basins,in Beratan, K. K., ed., Reconstructing the Structural History of Basinand Range Extension Using Sedimentology and Stratigraphy: GSA Special Paper303, p. 183-203.

Tojo Bass Evolution 1 Pokemon

Schlische, R. W., and Olsen, P. E., 1990, Quantitative filling modelfor continental extensional basins with applications to early Mesozoicrifts of eastern North America: Journal of Geology, v. 98, p. 135-155.

Smoot, J. P., 1991, Sedimentary facies and depositional environmentsof early Mesozoic Newark Supergroup basins, eastern North America: Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 84, p. 369-423.

Srivastava, S. P., and Tapscott, C. R., 1986, Plate kinematics of theNorth Atlantic, in Vogt, P. R., and Tucholke, B. E., eds., The Geologyof North America, v. M., The Western North Atlantic Region: GeologicalSociety of America, p. 379-404.

Talwani, M., and Eldholm, O., 1977, Evolution of the Norwegian-GreenlandSea: GSA Bulletin, v. 88, p. 969-999.

Vågnes, E., Gabrielsen, R. H., and Haremo, P., 1998, Late Cretaceous-Cenozoicintraplate contractional deformation at the Norwegian continental shelf:timing, magnitude and regional implications: Tectonophysics, v. 300,p. 29-46.

Withjack, M.O., Olson, J., and Peterson, E., 1990, Experimental modelsof extensional forced folds: AAPG Bulletin, v. 74, p. 1038-1054.

Withjack, M. O. and Eisenstadt, G., 1999, Structural history of theNorthwest Shelf, Australia -- an integrated geological, geophysical andexperimental approach: AAPG Annual Meeting Abstract, v. 8, p. A151. Vitantonio 550 waffle maker manual.

Withjack, M.O., Olsen, P.E., and Schlische, R.W., 1995, Tectonic evolutionof the Fundy rift basin, Canada: Evidence of extension and shortening duringpassive margin development: Tectonics, v. 14, p. 390-405.

Withjack, M.O., Schlische, R.W., and Olsen, P.E., 1998, Diachronousrifting, drifting, and inversion on the passive margin of central easternNorth America: An analog for other passive margins: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82,p. 817-835.

(Redirected from Bose speaker packages)

Home audio products sold by Bose Corporation are listed below.

2.1 channel amplifiers[edit]

From 1990 until the early 2010s, Bose sold several 2.1 channel audio systems, which used two small satellite speakers and a subwoofer. Early systems used an in-built CD player, followed by a DVD player and later models were AV receivers (which used external audio sources).

CD players[edit]

The first 2.1 audio system from Bose was the 'Lifestyle 10', which was released in 1990. The Lifestyle 10 included a single-disk CD player, an AM/FM radio and 'Zone 2' RCA outputs which could be configured to output a different source to the primary speakers.

A 6-disk magazine-style CD changer was introduced in 1996 and a touchscreen remote was introduced in 1999.

DVD players[edit]

The first 2.1 audio system from Bose to include a DVD player was the '3-2-1', released in 2001.[1] The '3-2-1 GS' model was introduced in 2003, named for its use of Bose 'Gemstones' small speakers (which have two drivers pointing forward and one pointing to the side).[2][3]

The 3-2-1 was replaced by the '321 Series II' in 2004, which included two small speakers and a subwoofer.[4] The 321 Series II was praised for its performance for movies, but was criticised for its performance with music and for lacking a HDMI connection. The 321 Series II GS had similar outcomes, however it was also criticised for value for money.[5][6]

An internal hard drive for storing music (in mp3 and wma formats) was introduced in 2005 for the '321 GSX' model.

The '321 Series III' replaced the Series II in 2008, adding an HDMI output connection.[7][8] A 'GSXL' model was introduced with a larger hard drive advertised as having a capacity of 200 hours of music (however the bitrate used is not known).

AV receivers[edit]

The first 2.1 AV receiver system from Bose was the 'Freestyle', which was introduced in 2002 and used S/PDIF and RCA inputs. The system used the same speakers as the 3-2-1.[9]

The Freestyle was replaced by the 'CineMate' in 2005, which has only RCA connectors and uses the same speakers as the 321 Series II.[10] A fibre optic input was added for the CineMate Series II, which was released in 2009.

The 'Lifestyle 235' was released in 2010 and added an AM/FM radio, iPod dock and HDMI inputs.[11][12]

5.1 channel amplifiers[edit]

From 1994 until the mid-2010s, Bose sold several 5.1 channel audio systems, which used four small satellite speakers and a subwoofer. Early systems used an in-built CD player, followed by a DVD player and later models were AV receivers (which used external audio sources).

CD players[edit]

The first 5.1 audio system from Bose was the 'Lifestyle 12', which was released in 1994.[13] The Lifestyle 10 included a single-disk CD player and an AM/FM radio. Beginning in 1996, some models were sold with a 6-disk CD changer (using a magazine, so playback needs to be stopped when changing CDs). In 1999, the 'Lifestyle 12 Series II' models added a coaxial S/PDIF input.

DVD players[edit]

The first products to include a DVD player were the 'Lifestyle 28' and 'Lifestyle 35' models, which were released in 2001.

The Series II versions of these products, released in 2004, used a 'BoseLink' audio output instead of the previous 'Zone 2' RCA outputs. The Lifestyle 38 was one of 22 products to be listed in the Sound and Vision Magazine 2004 Reviewer's Choice Awards.[14] The Lifestyle 48, along with the Boston Acoustics Avidea 610, was a winner of the Home Theatre category in the 2006 AudioVideo International 'Hi-Fi Grand Prix Awards'.[15]

In 2006, the Series II models were replaced by the Series III models, however the amplifier unit itself was unchanged.

The Series IV version of the DVD-based models were introduced in 2007 and saw HDMI inputs and outputs added to some models.

AV receivers[edit]

The first 5.1 AV receiver from Bose was the 1998 'Companion' model, which used RCA, S-Video and Composite connections. The Companion was one of 100 products listed in Popular Science's 1996 'Best of What's New' article.[16]

In 2007, the 'Lifestyle V20' and 'Lifestyle V30' products added HDMI and S/PDIF connections.[17]

The 'Lifestyle T10' and 'Lifestyle T20' models, released in 2010, added a USB audio input.[18] The 'Lifestyle V25' and 'Lifestyle V35', also released in 2010, added an iPod dock[19] and two USB audio inputs.

Speaker packages[edit]



The '2201' was released in 1966 and was Bose's first speaker system.[20] It consisted of 22 five-inch drivers and was designed to be located in the corner of a room, using reflections off the walls and floor to disperse the sound.[21] The system included tone controls and a switch to attenuate frequencies below 50 Hz.[22][23][24] The 2201 was a failure in the market and was discontinued after three or four years.[25]


Tojo bass evolution 1 2


The '901' was released in 1968 and was a conventional design consisting of two floorstanding speakers.[26] The system has nine drivers per channel, a separate amplifier unit, and an equalizer.[23][27]

It was sold until 2016, when the 901 Series VI was discontinued.[28]

A review of the 901 by Stereophile magazine in 1979 concluded:[29]

If we were to judge the 901 in terms of the best sound available, then, we would say that it produces a more realistic semblance of natural ambience than any other speaker system, but we would characterize it as unexceptional in all other respects. It is ideal for rock enthusiasts to whom sheer sonic impact is of paramount importance, and for classical listeners who want the next best thing to ambient stereo without the cost and the bother of rear-channel add-ons. However, we doubt that the 901 will appeal to perfectionists who have developed a taste for subtleties of detail and timbre.


The '301' bookshelf speakers were released in 1975.Impedance 8 OHMSCabinet,Height: 17'Width: 10.5'Depth: 9.25'Woofer: 8'Tweeters: 3'The Bose 301 Series II is a classic and powerful direct/reflecting speaker system delivering ultra-clear sound with stereo effects of remarkable quality. Direct/Reflecting speaker technology in these Bose stereo speakers lets you experience a live music concert in the comfort of your home. Asymmetrical design of the Bose 301 Series II offers balanced sound effects throughout the room. Integrated 8-inch woofer in this direct/reflecting speaker system provides rich and powerful bass effects. High-sensitivity tweeters of these Bose stereo speakers facilitate wide scattering of the sound, letting you feel the surround effects even if you are at a distance. Dual frequency crossover network in the Bose 301 Series II offers outstanding sound clarity by optimizing output frequencies.[30] The most recent version, the '301 Series V' has been on sale since 2002.[31]


The '201' bookshelf speakers were released in 1982.[citation needed] The most recent version, the '201 Series V' has been on sale since 2015.[32]


Mitsubishi Evolution 1

Acoustimass 5 Series I

The 'Acoustimass 5' was released in 1987 and consists of a bass module and two 'double cube' satellite speakers.[33] This was followed by an 'Acoustimass 3' system in 1989, which consisted of two 'single cube' satellite speakers and a smaller bass module.[34]

As of July 2019, the Acoustimass 5 currently remains on sale, in the form of the Series V version.[35] The Acoustimass 3 was discontinued in 2016.[36]

Surround sound[edit]

Lancer Evolution 1

The company's first surround sound speakers were the 'Acoustimass 6' and 'Acoustimass 10', both released in 1996.[37][38] Both products were 5.1 systems, with the Acoustimass 6 using 'single cube' satellite speakers[39] and the Acoustimass 10 using 'double cube' satellite speakers.[40]

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 1

The 'Acoustimass 15' 5.1 system was sold from 1998 until 2006,[41] and the 'Acoustimass 16' 6.1 system was sold from 2002 until 2006.[42][43]

Polar Bowler: Nintendo DS. Posted 11 years ago. I enjoyed the games i had the game3 on pc but ran really slow was forced to delete got exicted to see it on best buy bought it and enjoyed it all over again get challenging sometimes it nice to have the stylus or d pad otion to play the game its a fun game would recommend it if ypu. All nintendo ds games.


Evolution 1 Fargo

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  30. ^'Model 301 Direct/Reflecting® speaker system'. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  31. ^'301® Series V Direct/Reflecting® speakers'. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  32. ^'201® Series V Direct/Reflecting® speaker system'. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  33. ^'Acoustimass 5 speaker system - Bose Product Support'. Retrieved 1 July 2019.
  34. ^'Acoustimass 3 speaker system - Bose Product Support'. Retrieved 1 July 2019.
  35. ^'Acoustimass 5 Series V speaker system - Bose Product Support'. Retrieved 1 July 2019.
  36. ^'Acoustimass 3 Series IV speaker system - Bose Product Support'. Retrieved 1 July 2019.
  37. ^'Acoustimass 6 home theater speaker system - Bose Product Support'. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  38. ^'Acoustimass 10 home theater speaker system - Bose Product Support'. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  39. ^'Bose Acoustimass 6 Series III (black) review: Bose Acoustimass 6 Series III (black)'. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  40. ^'Bose Acoustimass 10 Series IV speaker system Specs'. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  41. ^'Acoustimass 15 home theater speaker system - Bose Product Support'. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  42. ^'Acoustimass 16 home entertainment speaker system - Bose Product Support'. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  43. ^'Bose Acoustimass 16 home theater speaker system'. Archived from the original on 18 May 2007.

Tojo Bass Evolution 1 For Sale

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